Review the 2nd European Rivers Summit 2021 – Lisbon and Online


3 Days for all river lovers, Activists, NGOs and Experts.

Lisbon was at the center of the second edition of the biggest European Rivers Summit, which took place between the 18th and 20th of November 2021, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and also with an Online format by live streaming on a dedicated platform.

More than 300 activists and experts from across all Europe attended the Summit in person, and by the online platform, to share knowledge, network and plan together to defend and protect Rivers, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the World.

Climate Change, Impact on Freshwater, Perverse Public Subsidies on Electric Production, River Protection and Restoration Measures, Dams Removal and Environmental Justice were some of the topics addressed.

The European Rivers Summit 2021 was organized by GEOTA, in partnership with Euronatur, RiverWatch, Wetlands International Europe WWF Adria, with the support of the Living Rivers Foundation, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, Fundo Ambiental and ENEA2020.


The first European Rivers Summit took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Between September 27th and 29th 2018, Sarajevo became the center of European river conservationists and dam opponents. At the first European Rivers Summit, about 250 people from over 30 countries discussed how to stop the destruction of Europe’s rivers from hydropower, how to protect the last free-flowing river jewels in the long run and how to restore those already destroyed.


» 14:30 - 15:30 | Opening Session

» Warm Welcoming and ERS 2021 Presentation
» Inês dos Santos Costa (Secretary of State for the Environment)
» João Dias Coelho (President of GEOTA)
» Ulrich Eichelmann (Riverwatch)

» 11:00 – 14:30 | REGISTRATION

Location: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Av. de Berna 45A, 1067-001 Lisboa (Congress Area – Auditorium 2)

» 15:30 - 16:00 | Presentation of ERS2021

» Lígia Vaz de Figueiredo (GEOTA)

» 16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee Break
» 16:30 - 18:00 | The Rise of the Heroes

Stories of activism for river protection around the World, told in first person.

» Ana Colovic Lesoska (Eko-svest and WWF Adria) – “One can make a difference”

» Robert Kugonza (Friends with Environment in Development) – “The Pain of Damming Rivers in Africa, a case of Uganda”

» Philip Fearnside (National Institute for Research in the Amazon) – “Brazil’s Amazonian rivers dammed”

» David Blake (Rivers Activist) – “Mekong fluvicide redux: an ode to a once-mighty river”

» Discussion

» 19:00 – 20:30 | Dinner at Jardim da Luz Restaurant

Location: Jardim da Luz Restaurant

Largo da Luz, 1600-587 Lisboa

» 21:00 – 23:00 | River Film Fest (AT: TEATRO DA LUZ)

Celebrating free rivers, clean water and freshwater life, by presenting an international selection of environmental and outdoor films, by sharing stories and discussing scientific insight, to change the conversation about rivers and inspire action. Organized by Living Rivers Foundation and partners (www.riverfilmfest.eu).

Location: Teatro Dom Luiz Filipe / Teatro da Luz
Largo da Luz 2, 1600-458 Lisboa

 BY METRO São Sebastião / Alvalade

BY BUS 726 Pç. de Espanha – LG. Luz

Cinema River Film Fest on European Rivers Summit 2021 in Portugal, with the collaboration of the Living Rivers Foundation.


» 21:00 Opening
– Lígia Vaz de Figueiredo (GEOTA)
– Michael Bender (Living Rivers Foundation)
– Tobias Schäfer (WWF Deutschland)

» 21:10 The Fascination of Freshwater Life
– Hidden Rivers (Appalachia, USA)
– What You Take Away – A Colorado River Reflection
– Water from the Mountain – Trailer (Puerto Rico)
– Water Circle Animation Film (by Tamera)
– Noatak – Wild & Scenic (Alaska)

» 21:40 Defending & Protecting Europe’s Free-Flowing Rivers
short intro by Tobias Schäfer (WWF Deutschland)
– Run Wild, Run Free (excerpt)
– Save the Oder River – short version (Germany)
– Vjosa Forever (Albania)

» 22:00 Talk with Blue Heart activists on Balkan Rivers
with Annette Spangenberg (Euronatur) and Michael Bender


» 22:10 Dam Removal & Changing the Conversation about Rivers
– Parker’s Top 50 Favorite Things about Northwest Rivers (USA)
– Dam removal Finland time lapse video
– Dam Busters Trailer

» 22:20 Talk on Dam Removal and River Protection
with Michael Bender (Living Rivers Foundation) and Tobias Schäfer (WWF Deutschland)

» 22:30 Closing Film
– The Elwha undammed

» 23:00 Drinks and Networking

» 09:00 – 10:30 | The Dark Side of The Force

Impacts of dams, their perverse subsidies and loans and relation to climate change.

» Christoph Hauer (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) – “Hydropower dams impacts and relation to climate change” (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

» Rui Cortes (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro) – “The damming problem of reconnecting rivers: the case of R. Douro catchment” (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

» Andrey Ralev (BankWatch) – “Public Money vs. Pristine Rivers” (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

» Afonso do Ó (ANP | WWF) – “Transboundary river basins: Iberian cooperation in the context of climate change”

» Discussion

» 10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee Break
» 11:00 – 12:30 | The Battle for Europe

The struggle for free flowing rivers in Europe, by the organizers of ERS.

» Cornelia Wieser (Riverwatch) and Tara Sukic (Euronatur) – “10 Years of Blue Heart of Europe”

» Irma Popović Dujmović (WWF Adria) – “Losing Western Balkan Rivers”

» Catarina Miranda (GEOTA) – “Portuguese rivers are sinking fast – the dangers of agroindustry and irrigation dams”

» Bruna Campos (Euronatur) and Amelie Huber (Euronatur) – “The renewable Energy Directive (RED4Nature campaign)”

» Discussion

» 12:30 – 14:00 | Lunch
» 14:00 – 15:30 | Activism for Rivers in Portugal

Examples of environmental activism in Portugal.

» Ana Geraldes (#MovRioDouro) – “Protecting a transboundary basin: the importance of creating #MovRioDouro”

» Paulo Constantino (ProTEJO – Movimento Pelo Tejo) – “Nobody will hold the Tagus River!”

» Álvaro Fonseca (Guarda Rios Collective) – “Cry me a river”

» Anne Bretschneider (Water Alliance) – “Rio Mira and a region on the brink”

» Discussion

» 15:30 – 16:30 | The Force is Among Us (Part 1)

Knowledge sharing open talks by activists or experts from the public.

» Diogo Dias Coutinho (CLARA) – “Regenerate the Mira”

» Tarryn Johnston (Moving Water Aliance) – “Reviving, Restoring & Healing the HENNOPS River” (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

» Lejla Kusturica (Atelier For Community Transformation) – “What they fear the most is us united!”

» Silvano Rizzi (Tamera Ecology Team) – “Water Retention Landscape of Tamera”

» Discussion

» 16:30 – 17:00 | Coffee Break
» 17:00 – 18:00 | The Force is Among Us (Part 2)

Knowledge sharing open talks by activists or experts from the public.

» Daniela Barbosa (Lousada Guarda Rios) – “Project Lousada Guarda Rios”

» Dragana Skenderija (Center for Environment, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina) – “Freedom to the rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

» Ana Pereira – “A New Era Model Organization to the Portuguese Water”

» Martin Dalvai and Lukas Thuile (University of Innsbruck) – “Scientists for Balkan Rivers Network”

» 19:00 – 20:30 | Dinner at Restaurant Tico Tico Alvalade

Location: Restaurant Tico Tico Alvalade

Av. Rio de Janeiro 19, 1700-330 Lisboa

» 18:30 – 20:30 | ART EXHIBITION (AT: APPLETON)


Rua Acácio Paiva nº27 r/c, 1700-004 Lisboa

BY METRO São Sebastião / Alvalade

BY BUS 726 Pç. de Espanha – LG. Luz

» 09:30 – 11:00 | The New Hope

Tools for rivers to run freely: law enforcement and advocacy. Round table moderated by Annette Spangenberg (Euronatur).

» Alexandra Aragão (CEDOUA)

» Pedro Brufão Curiel (University of Extremadura) – (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

» Tobias Schaefer (WWF Deutschland)

» Malgorzata Smolak (Environmental and Energy Lawyer/Independent Expert)

» 11:00 – 11:30 | Group Picture (in-person event)

Group picture (Gulbenkian’s Open air Auditoriums)

» 11:00 – 11:45 | River Exhibition (Online Event)

Movie Session

»Water Circle Animation Film by Tamera

» Save the Oder River – short version (Germany)

» Vjosa Forever (Albania)

» FED – Dams developed on River Nile in Uganda

» Parker’s Top 50 Favorite Things about Northwest Rivers (USA)

» Dam removal Finland time lapse video

» Dam Busters Trailer

» 11:30 – 12:00 | Coffee Break
» 12:00 – 13:30 | The Rise of Alternatives

River restoration, dam removal and alternatives to dam construction.

» Pao Fernández Garrido (World Fish Migration Foundation and Dam Removal Europe) – “Break Free. Restoring free-flowing rivers in Europe by removing dams”

» Dragana Mileusnic (The Nature Conservancy – TNC) – “Durable freshwater protection, low impact energy siting and river restoration”

» João Joanaz de Melo (Nova University Lisbon) – “Alternatives to electric production”

» Pedro Teiga (University of Porto) – “Rivers Restoration in Portugal, Practical cases”

» Mathias Kondolf (Berkeley University) – “Laissez faire la rivière” (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

» Discussion

» 13:30 – 14:00 | Closing Session

» Luís Costa (Mava Foundation)

» Catarina Miranda (GEOTA) – “ERS 2021: reflections, outcomes and new challenges”

» Paul Brotherton (Wetlands International Europe) – “Flowing to ERS 2022”

» Warm Closing


Group of activists, representatives of NGOs and experts on rivers from all around the world.

Ulrich Eichelmann


Inês dos Santos Costa

Secretary of State for the Environment

João Dias Coelho


Ana Lesoska


Robert Kugonza

Friends of Environment
for Development

Philip Fearnside

National Institute of Amazonian Research

Rui Cortes


Afonso do Ó


Lukas Thuile Bistarelli

University of Innsbruck

Cornelia Wieser


Catarina Miranda

Rios Livres GEOTA

Andrey Ralev


Paulo Constantino


Alexandra Aragão


Paul Brotherton

Wetlands International European Association

Pao Fernández Garrido

World Fish Migration Foundation

João Joanaz de Melo

NOVA University Lisbon

Pedro Teiga

University of Porto

Ana Geraldes


Pedro Brufao Curiel

University of Extremadura

Irma Popović Dujmović

WWF Adria

Luís Costa

MAVA Foundation

Malgorzata Smolak

Independent Expert

Álvaro Fonseca

Guarda Rios Collective

Lejla Kusturica

Atelier For Community Transformation

Dragana Mileusnic

The Nature Conservancy – TNC

Diogo Dias Coutinho


David Blake


Daniela Barbosa

Lousada Guarda Rios

Bruna Campos


Annette Spangenberg


Ana Pereira


Amelie Huber


Tarryn Johnston

Moving Water Aliance

Tara Sukic


Silvano Rizzi

Tamera Ecology Team

Mathias Kondolf

University of Berkeley

Lígia Vaz de Figueiredo


Tobias Schäfer

WWF Germany

Martin Dalvai

University of Innsbruck

Dragana Skenderija

Center for Environment, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Get to know all about the ERS2021!

Find all the European Rivers Summit Presentations

Find all the European Rivers Summit Presentations

Lisbon was at the center of the second edition of the biggest European Rivers Summit, which took place between the 18th and 20th of November 2021, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and also with an Online format by live streaming on a dedicated platform. More than...

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Keeping river lovers in touch!

Keeping river lovers in touch!

We want to thank all participants that were present at the European Rivers Summit 2021 in Lisbon, as well as those online on our WebApp. This certainly contributed to its success and the initiative created an outstanding opportunity for dialogue and interaction with...

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Review the 2nd European Rivers Summit 2021

Review the 2nd European Rivers Summit 2021

Lisbon was at the center of the second edition of the biggest European Rivers Summit, which took place between the 18th and 20th of November 2021, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and also with an Online format by live streaming on a dedicated platform. More than...

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TICKET Details

Our aim is to have as many people as possible from all over the World.

Online Event:

The European Rivers Summit 2021 is upon us and we have big news! Now you can be part of this big event in the comfort of your home with the European Rivers Summit ONLINE Live Stream.

Tickets on sale just for 20€!

In-Person Event:

For the In-Person Event, at Calouste Gulbenkian Foudation in Lisbon, Portugal, the Registration Fee is calculated according to the national minimum wages (or compared values, for those countries that don’t have official minimum wages).

The Registration Fee without accommodation (Includes attendance and one lunch and 4 coffee breaks) is 5% of the nacional minimum wage; the Registration Fee with accommodation (Includes attendance, one lunch and 4 coffee breaks and 2 nights in a shared room) is 10% of the nacional minimum wage.


Celebrating free rivers, clean water, and freshwater life.

With the collaboration of the Living Rivers Foundation we’ll presenting the Cinema River Film Fest in Lisbon (Portugal), on the 2nd European Rivers Summit. Celebrating free rivers, clean water, and freshwater life, by presenting an international selection of environmental and outdoor films, by sharing stories and discussing scientific insight, to change the conversation about rivers, and inspire action.


Register Now and Share your Knowledge and experience with us in ERS2021.

If you are an activist or expert in River Protection or other topics like: Climate Change, Impact on Freshwater, Investment Plans, Loans and Subsidies on Electric Production, River Restoration Measures, Dam Removal or Environmental Justic; and you want to present your experience, in 10 minutes, in the European Rivers Summit 2021, please do the following steps:

1) Register at ERS2021 here;

2) Send an email to info@riverssummit.org with:
– “Open Talks Application” as subject;
– Name and, if applicable, name of your organization;
– Mini-Bio (200 caracters max.);
– Brief description of your presentation’s topics;
– Proof of Registration Payment attached

*Only participants with booked ticket to the European Rivers Summit 2021 can apply for the Open Talks and send their presentations.

We have extended the Open Talks Applications until 15 of July, 2021.

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