With the collaboration of the Living Rivers Foundation we’ll presenting the River Film Fest in Lisbon (Portugal), on the 2nd European Rivers Summit. Celebrating free rivers, clean water, and freshwater life, by presenting an international selection of environmental and outdoor films, by sharing stories and discussing scientific insight, to change the conversation about rivers, and inspire action.
About the River Film Fest
Changing the conversation about rivers
River Film Fest celebrates free rivers, clean water, and freshwater life.
Each year, we present an international selection of environmental and outdoor films in cities around Europe. By sharing stories and discussing scientific insight, we want to change the conversation about rivers, and inspire action.
As rivers are threatened around the globe, biodiversity is in dramatic decline. If water is life, we better take care of it.
We know this much →
- The love people have for water is real
- Options for better river protection are real
- Dam removal and rewilding is real

Our Mission: Free Rivers
Each year, River Film Fest presents an international selection of environmental and outdoor films on free rivers and freshwater life. We combine film screenings and expert discussions to foster cultural exchange in a festival format. We do this to advocate for better policies to:
- protect free rivers and the pathways that they create
- remove dams and restore or rewild river landscapes
- halt the decline of freshwater life
Many in the environmental, angling, and paddling communities are alarmed by the ongoing destruction of rivers, and look for ways to better protect them. Together, we are sharing river stories to build a movement, for the love of water.
As a community, the countries in the EU can do better to protect and enhance healthy, dynamic and free-flowing rivers.
In light of the global boom of hydropower, what might Europe learn from the US when it comes to protecting free-flowing rivers and removing dams? While river basin management is well advanced in the EU, the growing system of Wild and Scenic Rivers in the US is an inspiring model for the permanent legal protection of free rivers. Countries like Finland and Sweden already have effective river protection schemes in place, granting permanent legal protection of rivers against hydropower and other disruptive impacts. We are advocating for the establishment of a similar policy across Europe.
Rivers running wild and free under permanent protection: Let’s combine the power of an idea with the compelling power of stories.
Know more about the River Film Festival at riverfilmfest.eu.
About the ERS2021
3 Days for All River Lovers, Activists, NGOs and Experts.
Join us and hundreds of activists and specialists to share knowledge, network and plan together to defend and protect Rivers, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the World.
Climate Change, Impact on Freshwater, Perverse Public Subsidies on Electric Production, River Protection and Restoration Measures, Dams Removal and Environmental Justice are some of the topics that will be addressed. Follow us to get all further updates on the European Rivers Summit (ERS) Lisbon 2021.
To know what happened in ERS Sarajevo 2018 follow this link.
Get to know the 2021 Event Program by clicking here.

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